What happened to Garrett Wolfe?

So, I was in Big Bear throwing back steins full of beer while my NIU Huskies were playing on Saturday… Later, when our crew returned to our cabin to party the rest of the night, one of the guys told me that Garrett Wolfe was just mentioned on Sportscenter. So, I...

Busy Bear, Hectic Huskie

So, I’ve been pretty damn busy for the past week. Paula and I went up to Big Bear for an extended weekend with our friends. It was a pretty crazy time and I’ll have to write more about it and post pics later. This week, I have been getting slammed at work,...

I Just Felt Like Running…

One of my favorite movies of all time is Forrest Gump. I don’t really have any method to my madness of movie-rating. I just like certain movies because I do. Anyway, I am running somewhat regularly again. Well, somewhat regularly means 2-3 times per week now....

Dumb Chicks and the Tom Leykis Show

I was listening to Tom Leykis the other day on my drive home from work. There was a chick named Cecelia that called in because she hates the show. This chick was DUMB… I tune into the show every once in awhile… it’s entertaining, but it’s the...

Garrett Wolfe for Heisman on MySpace

There has been tons of chatter going around that includes “Garrett Wolfe” and “Heisman” in the same sentence since Wolfe’s monumental performance last week. I’ve added my favorite articles to the Wolfe News page and have officially...

I’m Having a Bit of a Sleeping Problem

It’s not that I have narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep apnea, or anything like that… My problem is that I don’t like going to sleep… and then when I do sleep, I don’t like to wake up. LOL 😛 Because of this, I’ve probably been averaging...

Garrett Wolfe for Heisman Microsite

So… since NIU has no clue about Internet Marketing (easily evidenced by trying to visit http://niu.edu) and I’m an Internet Marketing Hotshot, I decided to do what I could (in as little time possible) to use my skills and take advantage of the...

Website Housekeeping

I’m just doing a little housekeeping on my site, so you may see a few tweaks here and there… I also use my personal sites to test all things web… and since there’s no better answer than hard data, I do a ton of testing and R&D… Most...

Garrett Wolfe for Heisman Banner

Since NIU isn’t doing much of anything in terms of a public Heisman campaign for Garrett Wolfe, I’m taking it upon myself to do a couple little things here and there to spread the word. I created the banner above with the hopes that others will display it...