August & September 2007 Chicago Extravaganza

So, I was home in the OC for a short two weeks after the July 2007 Chicago Extravaganza before I flew right back to Chicago for six more weeks of pure extravaganzing. I’ve been back home in the OC for three weeks now and I finally feel like I’m settled in...

July 2007 Chicago Extravaganza

So, like I said in my previous post, my first order of business as my own boss was to go on vacation… …And go on vacation I did! It wasn’t anywhere exotic or anything, but it was a 3-week trip back to my most favorite city in the world – sweet...

Combos: Tubular Snacks With Cheese Filling

YUM! For the first time, I just went to the CVS across the street from where I work (there’s a Rite Aid next door that I normally go to) and saw that they had Combos! Much like Cheddar Fries, I don’t remember ever seeing Combos anywhere since I’ve...