by ckdisco | Dec 12, 2006 | Personal
It was just another day when I woke up this morning until Paula exclaimed, “happy birthday!” It seems like she’s more excited about it than I am… 😛 Yeah, it’s just another day for me… I normally take the day off of work for my...
by ckdisco | Oct 5, 2006 | Personal
It’s not that I have narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep apnea, or anything like that… My problem is that I don’t like going to sleep… and then when I do sleep, I don’t like to wake up. LOL 😛 Because of this, I’ve probably been averaging...
by ckdisco | Sep 19, 2006 | Personal
I’m Busy. —cK
by ckdisco | Sep 12, 2006 | Personal
Beckham turned 2 (human) years old yesterday. We spoil him enough already, but yesterday he got extra treats, extra attention, and new toys. What a little cutie. Happy Birthday, Becks! —cK
by ckdisco | Aug 23, 2006 | Personal
What the hell am I doing? This morning, I left for work like usual. I drove out of my complex when I realized I forgot my cell phone. So, I turned around and went back to get it. It sucked cuz the pups were so happy to see that I was back and I had to leave them...