“Brotherhood” on Showtime

I’m hooked on the show “Brotherhood” on Showtime. I started watching it On Demand last week and now I’m on episode 10 of 11. It’s based around two brothers… one is a politician and the other is a gangster. There are two recognizable...

Homeless Soccer on HBO

I turned on REALsports with Bryant Gumble this morning and one of the stories they covered today was homeless soccer: Common Goal In August 2003, REAL SPORTS told the remarkable story of New York City homeless men who gathered to play soccer on a team created by the...

Linkin Park’s Next Album

Dude. I can’t wait for Linkin Park’s next album to come out. It was originally slated to be released around this time, but has been pushed back to be released at the beginning of 2007. I can’t get sick of Linkin Park. I think I like them most because...

Ryan Star – Way Too Good for Supernova

The band voted him off of the show a couple of weeks ago, but the fans got to vote online for their favorite performer… so Ryan Star won the spot for Rockstar’s Fan Favorite Encore tonight. After the first two or three shows, I predicted that Ryan would...

John Pinette at the Brea Improv

Last night, we went out to BJ’s in Brea for dinner with some friends and then we all headed over to the Brea Improv to catch John Pinnette in action. It was actually my first time at a stand-up comedy club. I’ve always wanted to go to one, but just never...

Augustana Concert

Once again, Paula dragged me out to a concert at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney… This time we went to see Augustana… The opening band kinda sucked, but Augustana was alright.  They had a couple really good songs that were hard to dislike.  There...