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Your Vote Counts!
You can go to TheHeismanVote.com and cast your vote for Garrett Wolfe! The winner of the poll will receive an official vote in the Heisman Trophy selection process! Go vote for Garrett Wolfe now!
Garrett Wolfe for Heisman on MySpace
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Garrett Wolfe for Heisman Banner
Show your support for Garrett Wolfe and add this banner to your website by copying the code below and pasting it into the code for your website. MySpace users may paste the code into the “About Me” or “I’d like to Meet” section in the “Edit Profile” section.
<a href="https://ckdisco.com/garrett-wolfe/"><img alt="Garrett Wolfe for Heisman!!!" src="https://ckdisco.com/images/garrett-wolfe-for-heisman-banner.jpg" /></a>
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Garrett Wolfe for Heisman Link
You may add a simple text link to your webpage and send supporters to this page by copying the code below and pasting it into the code for your website:
<a href="https://ckdisco.com/garrett-wolfe/wolfe-pack/" title="Garrett Wolfe for Heisman!"><strong>Garrett Wolfe for Heisman!</strong></a>
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