Travel Protocol

I am a big believer in harnessing the power of habits to optimize my lifestyle. Check out my protocols, routines, and rituals for traveling.

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How I prepare for travel.

Road Trips

My joyride protocol.

Air Travel

My flight protocol.


The overall picture.

Check out my Practice podcast!

"It's kind of like "Startup Podcast" except there's no startup and no budget." ~Me


My preparation routine for traveling depends on variables like the distance traveled, length of the trip, and type of expedition.

The first principle for me is the changing of time zones. Generally, I’ll take the hours of time zone difference and begin shifting my daily schedule that many days ahead (minus one), one hour at a time.

So, if I’m traveling on the 10th day of the month to a time zone that is three hours ahead, I’ll begin going to bed and wake up one hour earlier on the 8th day, two hours earlier on the 9th day, and three hours earlier on the travel (10th) day.

This way, I roll right into the new time zone with my sleep-wake cycle aligned. It may also help mitigate jet lag.

This scheduling strategy rarely falls into place neatly, though, because there are many other variables (e.g. time of departure, travel time, etc.), but it is generally the starting point for the rest of my planning.

I may utilize a similar strategy for the return trip, but then there are even more variables to consider – most importantly, the length of the trip and the obligations I may have during the week I get back.

I’m not going to go over all of the variables, but below I’ll reveal more of my protocols that are primarily designed to mitigate jet lag, radiation, the artificial cabin environment, and sub-standard humans.

Road Trips

I freakin’ love road trips. Pam and I embarked on a cross-country road trip from San Diego to Miami and back, two months after our first date. That was back in 2009, and we’re still happily unmarried.

The protocols I applied back then included: exploring locales on foot, indulging in local cuisines and libations, and acculturating at sporting events (if available). All of those still stand.

I’ve since added on a movement protocol, which is simply to get out of the car and move (e.g. jog, jumping jacks, squats) at least once an hour.

I also wear a Marc Pro electronic muscle stimulation device while I’m in the car. So, it’s like I’m moving my body the entire time we’re driving!

Air Travel

Okay, now this is where things get really fun…

I freakin’ love flying. Whenever I’m able to gain control in a lucid dream, I always try to fly like Superman. (I know, I know… Superman can’t fly, but he can jump really far.)

As for airplane travel, I freakin’ love the whole experience – from preparing my sleep-wake cycle days before and packing as minimally optimal as possible, to relishing the airport experience and shakedancing in the airplane lavatory.

Yo… We’re getting shuttled through the air at 30,000ft in a pressurized capsule. How freakin’ amazing is that??


Back in my higher-anxiety days, I loved waiting until the last second to pack and leave for the airport. The experience of racing to beat the clock without forgetting something was a rush I didn’t quite understand.

Now that I’ve overcome debilitating anxiety and understand the psychology of this kind of rush a little better (it may have been a coping mechanism), I enjoy getting prepared well beforehand and cruising to the airport early to enjoy the experience more completely.

That way, I can also save up my distress bank for more critical circumstances.


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Holla @ me:

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@cKdisco ☮️ 🥓 ⚽️

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